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Angel V Star

Star or Angel Tree Toppers

What sits at the top of your tree?

You’ve trimmed the tree and all that’s needed is the finishing touch – a tree topper! So, will it be a star or an angel? We delve into both traditions and the history behind your favourite tree toppers.

The history behind the star

The Star of Bethlehem, also called the Christmas Star, is the star that led the wise men, to Bethlehem and revealed the birth of Jesus. In short, the star signifies the birth of Jesus.

Although not every person who celebrates Christmas is religious, the star has a religious backstory to it, like many of the traditions that are a part of the holiday. No matter the reason why you celebrate Christmas, whether it’s for religious reasons or for your own cultural beliefs, it’s always fascinating to learn the history behind these festive traditions. (Source: Christmas Website)

Angel V Star

The history behind the Angel

This is a tradition rooted in deep religious significance. The practice of placing an angel at the top of your tree comes from the original Christmas story. Angels play a significant part in the first Christmas as they visited Joseph and the Virgin Mary to announce the upcoming birth of Jesus. On the night of his birth, angels appeared in the sky over Bethlehem to announce his arrival to the world.

Christmas angels are always made with wings to accentuate their heavenly character. Angels are also viewed as protectors. So, adding an angel tree-topper to your tree may ward off evil spirits.

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Another vital part of putting the star or angel on the Christmas tree is determining who gets that role. In some family’s it’s the eldest child who gets to place the tree topper on the tree. Why not add a bit of extra fun into decorating the tree and make up your own family traditions.

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